Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to Survive a Boring Lecture.

It happens all the time: to everyone , we all have experienced boring teachers, subjects that are compulsory and not  interesting at all, you're in the middle of a class that is so boring,  Whether the teacher or the subject itself or both are boring, you get headache and sleepy It’s true.  Some lectures could be more effective at putting you to sleep than attentive.  Nevertheless, attending lectures remains a key ingredient for performing well in college.But falling asleep during a lecture isn't going to win you any points with your professor, Try the following tips, which will help you stay awake during those 45 or 1 hour of lecture hell.

Scare yourself straight. "If I don't pay attention to this lesson and remember every single sentence the teacher says I'll never get into college. If I don't get into college, I'm never going to earn my degree. I'll end up 35 years old, still living with my parents and no hopes of getting my own house and family. No one will respect or dare depend on me for advice or anything. Say those words to yourself, scare yourself that way and you will pay attention.

 Use the lecture as an inspiration. "Sitting there listening to the teacher  ramble endlessly about the benefits of chlorophyll really makes you realize that you've been taking your free time for granted. Perhaps you think chlorophyll is not in your life not in your interests and and hence the knowledge of it  will not benefit you in your life, but let me tell you that to every lessons there is a test to test the achievement of  it. That will help you try to pay attention and remember the lesson. Its easier to put up a boring lecture than getting over that pain of failing your exams that you have been working for almost all the time of your life.

 Even A students get bored by lectures.  What is the difference between the A student and the C student?  Their approach to the lecture.  Don’t let “boring” become an excuse for not showing up to class.  Dive right in, sit near the front ,chew gum, and simply face the fact that you will be less than entertained for a couple of hours.  Get in the mental game and you will survive. OMG, this class is so boring!  How are you going to get through it?

  One of my friends from graduate school took impeccable notes, and before exams everyone lined up to study with him.  When I asked him his secret his response surprised me: “I’m bored in class, so I write everything down.” That is an A student approach to the problem!  Instead of avoiding lecture he planted himself close to the front of the room and made it a bit of a game to literally write down word for word what the professor said.  Give it a try.

    Absolutely read the material before class.  If you are unfamiliar with the course material then it will only magnify the boredom.  Not reading would be like signing up for a book club, going to the gathering but never bothering to open the book.  . How boring!  Be sure to prepare and stay in the loop.

  When you are reading the material create possible questions to ask in class (if the professor takes questions).  Participating in class speeds up time for you.  And, you never know, your question could prompt others to speak up and the class could take an intriguing turn.  Dare I suggest, you might enjoy the class then.

    Do not take out your phone to answer , chat or read emails.  Again, this will make the boredom worse.  You are essentially running away from the problem by turning to the cell phone rather than confronting the issue head on.  This is a C student response.  Moreover, it is a bad habit.  After college you might find yourself in other boring situations like work meetings.  It is not a good (or beneficial) idea to tune out and gravitate to your phone while others are talking.  Indeed, there will be times when your good friends bore you!  Would you take out your phone while they talk?  Of course not.  For class time, strengthen your concentration abilities and keep the phone in your bag.

   This last point is a bit painful but it must be made, namely, are you making an effort in the class?  Finding something interesting, like recognizing beauty, takes time and thought.   Often, interest is the result of devoting energy to appreciation of said subject (or object).  When you learn more you will discover more things to be interesting.  The boring lecture just might-maybe-possibly 

-I’m-sorry-to-point-it-out, be indicative of your disposition rather than the professor’s.

Overall, keep the end goal in mind: to do well.  We’ve all been through a boring lecture.  You will survive!  Remember, it is your grade on the line, so don’t shy away from the class even if you need to muster all of your brain power to stay alert.

  Good luck!


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