Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What you need to know about Mental slavery: Worst form of slavery.

Mental slavery is when others control your thoughts by manipulating your well being and train of thoughts. In order to truly be free one must not allow others to dictate how one thinks, speaks, feels and believes. Choosing to live a life in a cynical negative matter, doubting every God -given ability that you possess is in affect choosing to live a life bound by the chains of mental slavery. This is the worst form of slavery .

 “Education is for freedom - freedom from mental slavery.” ― Ogwo David Emenike
 “Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
 “Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
 Lets fight for freedom from mental slavery. Education is the weapon towards real freedom. Creat employment and walk to financial freedom. Goodluck.


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