Monday, September 22, 2014

Find out how important parent-teacher effective relationship and communication is vital for your child success.

                 One  of  the  most  benefitial  aspect  of  teaching  is  building  positive  relationships  with  teachers.  Communication  is essential  for  child  to  be  successful.  A  good  and effective  relationship between  parents  and  teachers  is  vital  for  succesful  learning.  A  student  who  knows  that  the  teacher  communicates  on  regular  basis  with  their  parents  are  likely  to put  more  efforts  into  school.  Likewise a  student  who knows  that  the  parents  rarel  or  never  communicates  with  their  teachers  and/or  the parents  do  not  trust  the  teacher  will often  put  the  two  aganst  eachother.

                  As  a  childs  greatest  teacher  and  role  model,  it is  vital  that you get involved  in  their  schooling rather than  sitting back  and  letting  the  teacher  handle it  all.  Your  child   need  to  see the  impotance  that  you  as  a  parent  put  in  their  education  , though  make  sure  this  doesnt  translate  as  an  emphasis  on  always  having  to  come  first  or  being  top  of  the  class.

                   Parents  should  ask  teachers  for  ways they  can  help  at  home  that  can reinforce  any  learning  thats  going  on   in  classrooms.   Tell your children  what  you  expect  from  them  and make them  accountable.  Tanzanian  parents, remember  that  its  a  three  ways  relationship  between  you,  your  children,  and their teachers  and  that  only  by  working  together  positively  can  help   your  children  achieve  their  full  potential.

1 comment:

  1. Nadhani makala ni nzuri na imezungumzia mahusiano kati ya mwalimu na mlezi. Je, waweza kutoa practical suggestions hii yaweza kufanyika vipi ktk hizi shule zetu za msingi na sekondari zinazofikia takribani 20,000? Haswa ukizingatia kuwa wazazi/walezi wana majukumu mengi ya kutafuta kipato na huwa wanasema shughuli zao zinawanyima fursa za kuwasiliana au kutembelea shule. Pili, walimu nao wanasema wana wanafunzi wengi na hawawezi kupata nafasi ya kuwasiliana au hata kuwatembelea wazazi/walezi kwa ajili ya kuboresha mahusiano na kuboresha maendeleo ya mwanafunzi husika.
