Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Why should students participate in extracurricular activities ?

extracurricular  activities  refers  to  events  or  activities  that  students  involves  in,  mostly  outside the  teachings  learned  in  class  such  as  music,  sport s and  academic  clubs. They  present  learners  with knowledge  and  values  of  collaboration,  character  and   group tasks,   physical  strength  and  endurance, competition  and  sense of diversity and community.
Extracurricular activities offer students with an opportunity to put into practice things learned in classrooms and gives them a chance to exercise those skills in real-world situation.
Researchers have shown that extracurricular activities increases students sense of commitment and attachment therefore decreasing levels of school dropouts. These students become active in class which in turn is a big contributor in them passing their exams.


A.      Learning time management and prioritizing.
When students involve in extracurricular activities, they learn how to deal with variety of different tasks and commitments. This helps them in their adult life to undertake responsibilities.

B.       Learning about long term commitments.
When students join these activities or clubs, they commit to them for a period of time, if they don’t hold up; their colleagues and teachers are there to remind them of their commitment. Therefore it is one of important life skill that would help them in their adult life.

C.       Learning to contribute.
A student will learn how to add or contribute to any activity that others are engaged in and not just to think about themselves.

D.     Raises their self esteem
Because of the way some of these students have been brought up, they may feel worthless or just not good at anything, so when they participate in extracurricular activities, it raises their self esteem in learning those things that they are good at.


                                                        I.            Fitness
When children are growing up, their bodies are very active and needs to be engaged in various activities mostly sport. This is when most students discover their talents which if nurtured well, these children grow up to be great in certain games which earn them a living.

                                                      II.            Health
In order to avoid some diseases like diabetes and many others, it is important to engage children in activities like sport. This makes their bones and blood circulation to be in good shape, their brains develops perfectly which gives them an edge in classroom. Most than not, children who participate in sport do not struggle with weigh issues and other insufficiencies’ that come with being unhealthy.  

                                                    III.            Concentration and engagement
Sport and clubs requires a lot of time of concentration and engagement hence students participating do not indulge in bad behavior like abusing drugs and other vises that lead to school dropout and or poor performance in exams.

                                                    IV.            Obedience
Trainings and instructions that children receive from their teachers and instructors, when followed correctly gives good results and when students learn obedience, this becomes their character which demonstrated not only in school but also at home.

A well rounded education is that which involves extracurricular activities outside regular academic program. This is what helps students’ academic careers immensely.
Besides being fun and a great way to socialize with peers, extracurricular activities can enhance students’ time management and stress management skills, improving overall productivity. It also increases a candidate’s appeal when applying to college.
Extracurricular activities helps in physical growth of students, those who involve in various activities have better health, appearance and are lively children.

                                       Written by Henry.


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