Friday, October 24, 2014

What makes a great book for children ?

What is the difference between a great book for children and a not so good one ?. We can all remember the books we read when we were children. We can read them over and over again. The books we can never forget.

 I personally remember "THE PEARLY" by John Steinbeck. I read it and remember it many times. This doesn't happen to all books i read when i was a child, I asked my colleagues about their favorite books when they were children's and it was the same. There are books they remember every time. I tried to figure out what make a great book from a children's point of view . Here is what came into my mind plus thoughts from online articles as well....

 FIRST: Strong characters who evoke strong emotions A good book for children must have strong characters who evoke strong emotions like laughter, sadness, sorrow. I remember how the pearl changed Kino's and Juana's life. The story was dramatic I thought that the pearl will make them rich and happy which was not the case at all. The pearl brought misery, fear and death.

 SECOND: A story that teaches. A good story book teaches about manners, love, respect etc. Do you remember "TAMAA MBELE", "HAWA , THE BUS DRIVER" , "NGOSWE" , "MABALA , THE FARMER" . They teaches us to be loyal, hardworking, love and trustworthy.

 THIRD: Beautifully and creative illustrations. Great books like Cinderella, The Pearl, The cat in the hat, and The magic Garden have very stunning illustrations. They played magic in those books. Finally, I think a good book for children must be short . A long story is boring. For a child interests a short book will be great. Simple vocabularies and short paragraphs. Thinking of witting one ? Good luck.


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