Friday, October 24, 2014

What makes a great book for children ?

What is the difference between a great book for children and a not so good one ?. We can all remember the books we read when we were children. We can read them over and over again. The books we can never forget.

 I personally remember "THE PEARLY" by John Steinbeck. I read it and remember it many times. This doesn't happen to all books i read when i was a child, I asked my colleagues about their favorite books when they were children's and it was the same. There are books they remember every time. I tried to figure out what make a great book from a children's point of view . Here is what came into my mind plus thoughts from online articles as well....

 FIRST: Strong characters who evoke strong emotions A good book for children must have strong characters who evoke strong emotions like laughter, sadness, sorrow. I remember how the pearl changed Kino's and Juana's life. The story was dramatic I thought that the pearl will make them rich and happy which was not the case at all. The pearl brought misery, fear and death.

 SECOND: A story that teaches. A good story book teaches about manners, love, respect etc. Do you remember "TAMAA MBELE", "HAWA , THE BUS DRIVER" , "NGOSWE" , "MABALA , THE FARMER" . They teaches us to be loyal, hardworking, love and trustworthy.

 THIRD: Beautifully and creative illustrations. Great books like Cinderella, The Pearl, The cat in the hat, and The magic Garden have very stunning illustrations. They played magic in those books. Finally, I think a good book for children must be short . A long story is boring. For a child interests a short book will be great. Simple vocabularies and short paragraphs. Thinking of witting one ? Good luck.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

We need people like Malala Yousafzai in Tanzania.

             Malala Yousafzai born in July 1997, Is a Pakistan activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize winner.
 She is mainly known for human rights advocacy for education and women in her native small town where the local Taliban had many times banned girls from attending to school.
         On the afternoon of a October 2012 Yousafzai ( Malala's father ) boarded her a school bus in the northwest Pakistani district, A gun man asked for her by name then put a pistol on her and fire 3 shots. That day Malala faced an assassination attempt.
 Malala is the most influential and famous teenager. I am inspired by her advocacy for education for girls. World wide access for education is still a problem although there are many people and organizations advocating for education.
Religion extremism and cultural reasons are still so strong to hinder the peoples efforts . Malala almost got killed but she can still says "lets pick up our books and Pens, They are the most powerful weapons " We love Malala. We want all girls to get education too.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Watoto pia wanaweza, kazi zao zinapendeza .

       Mpe nafasi mtoto/mwanafunzi wako ya kumuwezesha kuwa mbunifu na kuendeleza kipaji chake. Hii itamsaidia kuongeza uwezo wake wakufikiria, wa kujiamini, pia uwezo wa kujiajiri katika maisha yake ya baadaye.
Vilevile kuwapa watoto nafasi ya kuunyesha ubunifu wao na vipaji vyao itawapa uwezo mkuubwa wa kukumbuka kwakuwa vitu vyote ametumia uwezo wake mwenyewe. Nilienda mikocheni shule ya msingi ambapo kulikua na tamasha dogo linaitwa TAMASHA LA VITABU VYA WATOTO DAR ES SALAAM walishirikiana na NAFASI ARTS SPACE ambapo watoto walichora, waliimba , na kusimuliana hadithi. Pia kulikuwa na vitabu maalum kwa ajili ya watoto.

Mtoto akionyesha picha aliyochora.
 Mtoto akionyesha picha aliyochora.
 Vitabu mbalimbali pia vilikuwepo. kwa bei rahisi sana.

                                                                                              Ilikuwa ni siku nzuri na tamasha lilipendeza sana. Bila shaka siku nyingine nitahudhuria.