Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Do you know how to help your child reach his/her full potential ?

Most  of  children do not get a chance to realize their full potential. However  its  no t their  fault.  I  did  not  get  to  realize  my  full  potential  early  enough  and  well  enough.  I  know  that  is  the  case  with  many  of  Tanzanian  children.

Help  realizing  your  child  full  potential  is  crucial  his/her  education  and  intellectual  growth. We  often    hear  parents  and  teachers  say  " This  student  is  not  very  good  in  class"  without  knowing  that  they  are  setting  them  for  failures.

Here  is  what  we  can  do  to  help  a  child  realize  his  or  her  full  potential...

  1. Praise  your  child's  efforts,  encourage  and  reinforce  him/her  instead  of  discouraging  and criticizing  them,  BE  POSITIVE.
  2. Boost  your  child's  self  esteem
  3. Don't  focus  on  grades  instead  teach  them  other  skills
  4. Talk  to  your  child  teacher  regularly  but  most  importantly  you  are  the  child's  most  important  teacher.
  5. Lastly,  Spend  time with your child, get to know him/her better, help your child spend time with positive  people and  use  regular  experience  as  teaching  opportunity
    Dear  readers, Don't  hold your  children  back!.  Accept  their  differences,  love  them  and  this  way  we  can  ge t the  best  out  of  them.  We  should  not  regret  and  COMPLAINING  as  why  ou r children  fail . Ask  yourself  what  have you done   to   help   them ..



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